What’s new?

Oops I forgot to post anything for… *checks*… about six weeks. This is approximately one AEON in Second Life time. Apologies!

Hmmmmm… So anyway this is just a quick update from the WordPress app on my phone (by the way you should get that it’s great!) as I woke up early.

RL has had a few minor ups and downs as usual but I am more or less fine. Finding SL time is a bit more difficult than it was due to some of this but by and large I am still managing to come on each day, although sometime it’s only for 20 minutes, to see Abby before bed. It is always going to be a juggle because I have a little boy and he always comes first 🙂

In Second Life lots has changed but I haven’t really felt the need to share it till now and well maybe it’s only interesting to me and my close friends. The big news is of course that Abby and I got married ❤️. We did it privately, didn’t really want a big occasion, but it was beautiful and I took her name so now I am Olivia Fraser. Yay! 🎉

I did not know I was looking for Abby until we met back in November. And now it is well over 100 days we’ve been together and still every day I love her more and more. That we are partners now means the world to me. I’ve not had an official partner in SL before and I will never be partnered to anyone else.

Haha and to think… going back 7-8 months I was quite shy about the idea of openly being with another woman (certainly publicly here on the web). I dated in a sense a couple of guy and it was all fun and we had some sexy times. Though not once did either of them take me anywhere interesting or romantic, they just offered me a TP to their bedroom for you know what. I asked a few times but all I got was “yeah sounds good” sort of responses. Really they were just casual sex partners.

In Abby I’ve met someone I clicked with instantly and really that’s what’s important to me whatever your gender is. And yes it’s all very romantic. I have never felt this way about anyone.

OK I could but I won’t make you cringe by going on about it any longer 😂

So what else? Well we built a new home then ripped it half out and built it again. And now it’s looking a-maz-ing. I’ll do a post on it when it’s completely finished (we are making more changes).

We got one of those much blogged about houseboats in the new continent Belliseria, which is lovely.

We also started renting a beach hut at a place called Paradise Hotel which is a recently-moved adult resort. I’ll post more on that at some stage. They are looking for more residents and it’s cheap! Ask Abby or me for details as we get a bonus for bringing in new tenants.

Oh yes I finally figured out how to make sense of the map! Abby showed me and explained a few things. Previously it was a bit like when I first moved to London and only took the tube everywhere – i.e. I never had much idea or really cared about how things fitted together relative to each other. Someone would send me a teleport offer and i would click it. I TP’d from skybox to skybox and never looked at where they were.

But then I would find myself say at a party and have no idea I was just a few floors up from where I had been a week ago, and make some embarrassing faux pas… Or I would hear names like Sansara being used but not really know what or where that was.

Sitting out on the roof terrace of our houseboat it’s much more satisfying to now have a sense of being in a vast world, and to know that I’m facing west and that there’s a sea corridor connecting to Sansara way to the north and so on.

I keep saying I want to learn how to sail (the yacht is not just there for show – honestly!) and obviously a sense of navigation is important for that. So that’s the next thing!

Hmm ok better go for now. Hope to blog a bit more over the next 6 weeks. Thanks for reading – if you did, and if you didn’t, well you’re not reading this so I may as well stop right there. 🛑

Ciao, Olivia 🐰

6 thoughts on “What’s new?

  1. Awwws, I love a good romance with a happy ending! Many congrats on that wedding ❤ My only advice is to continue to see your partner as much as you can… absence makes the heart grow bored.


    1. Well I was referring to 8 months ago when I was brand new to SL. And really I meant I was shy about being open about it outside of SL which is why I said ‘publicly on the web’. Which is silly because I made a Twitter account for my SL identity, but that said not all my twitter friends are SL users.


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